Fair Use of Orphan Works

Shadows on a Window
Looking out the window of my cell
There is nothing but whiteness
The window is a foot wide and 4 feet tall
There is nothing but whiteness because there is a film on the window
I wonder; is the film to keep me from seeing out?
Or to keep others from seeing in?
I know it is a film because there is a tiny tear at the top of the window.
Looking out the tear I see a steel mesh fence and razor wire above that.
I continue to look at the whiteness when the sun hits the window,
now I can see the fence, it covers the window.
No, a SHADOW of a fence covers the window
A tiny bird lands on the fence
No, a SHADOW of a tiny bird lands on the SHADOW of the fence.
I watch the bird fly away.
I mean, the SHADOW of the tiny bird flies away.
Is the film on the window to keep me from looking out?
Or to keep you from looking in?
It doesn’t matter because it is all just a SHADOW of freedom.