Finally, we're up to the trial. There's so much I want to share about it, but I'm still waiting for the green light to publish the book that would document those seven days. (Update: See below.)
Things got a bit crazy with COVID. The avian flu I caught in 2014 was eerily similar, and it nearly took me out. There were days and nights since the indictment that I wished it had. But spending time with my family and reconnecting with old friends in Mattawamkeag (one in particular, you know who you are – see, I told you I wouldn't mention your name) kept me alive and kicking.
Summer 2019: Revelations and Conjectures
In the summer of 2019, as I mentioned earlier, it was revealed that Heidi pleaded guilty to mail fraud (that's how the government tacked on the charge with "juice," the one that could send me to the slammer for a serious amount of time).
Also, Anthony Berry was released from probation early after serving only 37% of his sentence. The federal government doesn't do anything for anyone without a reason. What's one of the most famous lies? "I'm from the government, and I'm here to help you." But I digress.
Conjecture Time! (Last one, I promise): At some point that summer, Johnny Pockets was probably indicted by a federal grand jury for the Walmart Theft Ring. So, as a bonus for being involved in one of the largest theft rings in Maine, Anthony Berry also got out of probation early! That's some fine horse-trading there, Anthony. You haven't lost your touch.
The prosecutions pre-trial maneuvering all points to Johnny Pockets indictment being sealed until they could force me to plead guilty, or send me to prison for a long time and then get me to talk. But several things really screwed the Government's plans.
COVID hit just as I was about to be sentenced, and my reporting to prison didn't happen until June 23, 2021.
Additionally, the Judge did not give me the time the Government was shooting for; Jim Moore set the stage for me to get 12 years, but Judge Woodcock only gave me 60 months (5 years).
I worked my ass off in prison and took every program offered, I was released after 2 1/2 years.
Those reasons did not fit into the Government's plans, they basically after 10 years and at least a million dollars, had no leverage with me. Which may mean, Johnny Pockets, slipped out of the reach of the Walmart Theft Ring Task Force. Department of "Justice", Indeed.
Last-Minute Tricks and Distortions
One final thing happened just days before the trial that needs some backstory. Heidi and I were involved in a three-way relationship from 2012 to 2014. I won't reveal the third person's name or even their gender. But the relationship was 100% consensual.
The U.S. Department of Justice tried to twist that information, implying that I forced Heidi into that relationship. So, despite all the government's talk of not tolerating racism, sexism, or prejudice of any kind, some people within our government still don't hesitate to use something like an alternative lifestyle for blackmail or extortion. To me, that's disgusting and reeks of brazen hypocrisy.
The Fight Continues
While it's disappointing to realize this case has never really been about copyright, it doesn't change the fact that I will continue to fight for copyright reform. Hell, I'm a convicted pirate, so I've got the street cred. I do regret the people who were hurt by my actions. I tried to keep them out of it, I really did. I hope someday they will understand.
Looking Ahead
Some things to look forward to:
Jonathan Tardiff (better known in this blog as Johnny Pockets) may or not be revealed as the leader of the Walmart Theft Ring (that is, to use Law Enforcement's favorite phrase, an 'Ongoing Investigation... by me) He closed his jewelry shop in Rockland, Maine in 2020 and tried to scrub the internet of its existence. But everyone knows that's impossible. For the last six years, Mr. Pockets has been living the good life while Homeland Security was watching old movies.
(Memo to Special Agent Loren Thresher: Johnny Pockets had the money you were looking for. Looks like he had plenty of time to launder it while you were trying to find the copyright holders of orphan films. You should have just asked me; I could have shown you how to 'Deep Google' it.)

As for me, I'm going to continue to write. While incarcerated, my pen name was federal inmate 13550-036. Now that I'm freshly released, I go by MaineMoviePirate online. I will make films again and, as I said above, fight for copyright reform. Maybe eventually, I'll even weigh in on real criminal justice reform. Because, you know, for all their lip service, the US government isn't going to do shit.
Want to read the trial transcripts? Buy them on Amazon
(Much cheaper than paying PACER fees):